China: Laughter is the best medicine of all,and many pople know this.This makes Man refreshed,happy,enjoyable,tension free,relaxed and fresh! Studies have proved that if we have Laughter in our lives we can live longer and healthy.
But a family in China has great problems with Laughter itself.There is a family in Kongkwing who are pleading the doctors to get rid off laughter out of thier Child and save it.
You may wonder why,its a long ago story before some 12 years from today.The Yang couple's second daughter about 8 months old was suffering severe fever.After fever the child started laughing and when she was 2 yrs she lost talk and only laughed everytime.From then on the laughter is still continuing. The Child laughs every time but not in sleep.
The child's parents have donw almost all possible things to stop laughter and also spent for her a lot to get cure and put a full stop to this laughter.They are in great dipression.
Now here is MySay,the child in this case has got some disorder and may be not curable.Don't you think there should be also researches going on to cure this kind of disorders and what is the cause of such very rare disorders.Don't you think genetic therepies should be developed so that
such special kn\ind of people also hsare a right to live as we do!
This is a serious matter and should not be neglected.
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